Monday, May 26, 2008

1st post on the new blog - BBQ anyone?

OK, before I get into the "Memphis in May 2008" experience and tell you all about our travels, I would like to briefly open this blog with a quick disclaimer that this blog is something I hope to grow and change over time. I encourage input from friends and folks who just stop by too check it out. I have gotten more and more into BBQ as both a food genre, as well as a subculture within our country that definitely both amazes me and intrigues me. I had been thinking about starting something up and when I went to Memphis in May, as a guest of Ubon's Champions Choice Team from Yazoo, MS, I realized this was not only an opportunity to have an unreal and unique experience (and vacation!), but it was an opportunity to start my blog off right, with posts about learning the secrets to great BBQ, making new friends, and having a blast with old friends while we were let inside world that we are now excited to be a small part of! Thanks, and I hope y'all enjoy reading this.

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