Thursday, June 5, 2008

Memphis in May 2008 - Day #2 (5/16/08) - Pt. 2

...Wow! That was a heckuva lot to talk about, and keep in mind, everyone is getting pretty soused up as the Bud Lights keep getting cracked all day long! Not to mention some Ubon's Specials thrown in. But these guys are pros, and booze doesn't throw them off their game whatsoever. In between the first hog prep and the second hog prep, the ribs for dinner that evening were prepped. This was all about Leslie, as she is the Rib Queen! I am surprised she has not competed in the rib competition before, but I guess she does not want to split off from the team, as this team specializes in Shoulder and Whole Hog. Adam had the audacity to claim he was going to eat 37 ribs before the evening was done. We had about 37 racks of ribs (12-13 ribs per rack) to go around, plus a few extra the guys over at Natural Born Grillers gave to us.

Leslie is supervising Gary rub the ribs down and she means business!

That is a shitload of ribs! You better believe dinner was sensational.

The second hog was prepped at this time, after the ribs were done being prepped and put in the rib smoker, a smaller smoker with many racks in it to hold the ribs and rotate them through the smoker. Brian Jay got his hands dirty officially participating on the second hog, as one of the four Yankees had to get messy and represent in this preparation! We were not carrying our weight around here otherwise. Eating and drinking our weight, yes, but carrying it, not a chance!

Way to get your hands dirty Brian Jay! Represent!

Who let that damn Yankee touch the hog?! Just kidding around. Brian invited him to do so.

Later on that eveing (after a quick nap back at the hotel), the boozing continued and the ribs were removed from the smoker after about 6-7 hours.

1 comment:

Leslie Scott said...


Blog on Brotha!